I want to fix my posture
Posture can be a super loaded term. Its a French word which started showing up in military manuals during the early 16th century. Originally the term meant ‘standing at attention’ like a soldier, so it can leave us out in the cold when it comes to having ‘good’ posture. Do we have to stand like soldiers to live pain free?
The short answer is no. Good posture isn’t a position, its an abstract and fluid state of movement. Posture is whatever position your body is in at any given moment and your next posture is your best posture. Fixing you posture is more about understanding how to brace your core and implementing ways of breaking up your sitting habits.
Lets be honest, sitting is the new smoking. It turns off your glutes which are important for protecting your spine. Passively pushing your knees together placing stress on the joints whenever you stand. Slouches the spine putting pressure onto he low back. Forces the head to sink, the neck to jut forward, and the upper back to round.
I've seen so much pain associated with poor sitting and working habits that i’ve developed a series of corrective postural exercisers which focus on:
Cervical Tucking
Thoracic Extension & Rotation
Shoulder Retraction
Core Bracing
Lower Back Stability
Hip Extension & Rotation
Knee Flexion
Ankle & Wrist Mobility
This program is designed to be delivered twice a week over 8 weeks but will vary between clients